London Marylebone to Broughty Ferry Trains From £47.30

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Cheap Train Tickets from London Marylebone to Broughty Ferry

For a train from London Marylebone to Broughty Ferry, you can find advance tickets for as low as £47.30, with fares typically averaging around £67.54. To secure the most affordable train ticket, it is recommended to book in advance and avoid peak times. For a wider selection of cheap train tickets, please check our train ticket calendar.

London Marylebone to Broughty Ferry Train Journey Information

Effortlessly plan your journey from London Marylebone to Broughty Ferry. Discover the earliest and latest train times, departure and arrival stations, distance, travel duration, and pricing options to enhance your trip.

First train
Last train
Departure station
London Marylebone
Arrival station
Broughty Ferry
359 miles
Journey time
From 6h 53m
From £45.00
Train operators
Caledonian Sleeper, Grand Central, ScotRail, LNER

London Marylebone to Broughty Ferry Train Times

Check out trains from London Marylebone to Broughty Ferry today (Wednesday 8th May 2024) by using our timetable below, including platform and live travel information. You can view the full-day timetable or search for a different date here.
Wed 08 May, at 14:52
  1. 14:52
    7h 22m
    London Marylebone
    Broughty Ferry
  2. 16:22
    12h 29m
    London Marylebone
    Broughty Ferry
  3. 18:44
    10h 49m
    London Marylebone
    Broughty Ferry
  4. 18:44
    13h 6m
    London Marylebone
    Broughty Ferry
  5. 21:59
    11h 19m
    London Marylebone
    Broughty Ferry

Train Stations Information

London Marylebone

Ticket buying and collection:




Seating Facilities:


Public Wi-Fi:


Bicycle Parking:


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Broughty Ferry

Ticket buying and collection:




Seating Facilities:


Public Wi-Fi:


Bicycle Parking:


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London Marylebone to Broughty Ferry Train Travel Guide

Train travel from London Marylebone to Broughty Ferry is convenient and efficient, ensuring passengers arrive on time for both commuting and exploring. For a smooth travel experience, please check out our Train Journey Planner.

Plan Your Train Journey

The train from London Marylebone to Broughty Ferry takes approximately 6h 53m. There are an average of 05:32 trains per day running from London Marylebone to Broughty Ferry. The first train departs at 05:32, while the last train leaves at 22:59. For more details, please refer to our Train Journey Planner and Timetable.

Book Cheap Train Tickets

You can travel from London Marylebone to Broughty Ferry with Split Ticket and Advance tickets. The average fare is about £67.54, with the cheapest fare at £47.30. Besides, you can book cheap tickets on off-peak time, which usually begin at 09:30. (Intercity Off-Peak times: Monday to Friday from 09:30 to 16:00, and after 19:00). Accurate ticket prices vary depending on the time of day, route, and class selected.

Train Stations

You can choose to start from Dundee,Helensburgh Central,Arbroath,Stonehaven,Perth,Edinburgh (Waverley),or Glasgow Queen Street Station to Broughty Ferry by train.

Broughty Ferry

Save More on London Marylebone to Broughty Ferry Train Fares

Explore more money-saving tips for your train journeys. Start saving today and enjoy affordable train travel with TrainPal.

<a href='/split-ticket'>Split tickets</a>

Split tickets

Break the journey into sections for potential cheaper rail fares.
<a href='/'>Book in advance</a>

Book in advance

Save on long journeys with Advance tickets. Buy up to 12 weeks ahead.
Off-Peak train tickets

Off-Peak train tickets

Cheaper train tickets for less busy times. Combine with Advance fares for the best deals.
<a href='/railcard-guide'>Use a Railcard</a>

Use a Railcard

Save 1/3 on train fares with multiple Railcards available.
Save with Season Tickets

Save with Season Tickets

Unlimited travel between 2 stations. Save more than daily tickets.
Travel in groups

Travel in groups

GroupSave on Off-Peak tickets: 1/3 off for groups of 3-9 adults.

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